Attended a really interesting conference on 1 October run by The Cranfield Trust and The Fore about the value of fully understanding how you evaluate a campaign or new product. It’s about understanding the outputs (the products and services), the outcomes (the changes, learnings and effects they have) and the impact (the longer term effects of a project on the outputs) from the start.
At concept stage, it is really valuable to use a Force Field Analysis Model – on one side of the aim/product concept recording the forces for decision and on the other the forces against, simply scoring these on a grade intensity of 1-5 can often flag questions around development or impact. Involve as many people as possible – creatives, finance, prospective customers, loyal existing customers, diverse groups of the community.
Quite often clients have a great idea for a new product or service but don’t ask “Why?” enough so they may know its USP’s, its price point, positioning etc. but don’t drill down into fully understanding the drivers that would make people buy their product or service. Soft data and evaluation is AS important as market share or sales growth to really fulfil a product or services potential. Telling a story gives humans the ability to consider how they would apply a product or service within their own lives.
As Sally at Cranfield Trust said “Metrics may open the door, a story welcomes you in and invites you to stay.”